Full Steam Ahead! This ring sort of evolved as it was created. I started out knowing that I wanted to create something in my studded line. I wanted to set this stone and I wanted it to be bold. Not trying to appeal to the masses with this one.
Then, mid way through, I decided it needed to be a mixed metal ring. I had these cast copper gears and after playing with them and the ring I realized that they looked like paddle wheels next to a steam powered ship.
The gears were added to the sides with small rivets to allow them to turn (Yes, they spin!), and small natural garnets were set in the top of each smoke stack. Then this one of a kind stone was set between the stacks to form the deck.
The strawberry quartz, so named for its color, has hundreds of silky inclusions that give it a sparkle inside the stone, similar to rutile quartz, and sunstone. I have seen a lot of material labeled strawberry quartz, but this stone may be one of the finer pieces I have ever come across.
This is a one of a kind ring, ready to ship.